This is the fifth annual review of type 1 diabetes human clinical trial research currently underway. This report focuses on the broad range of type 1 projects in human trials. The following two reports will discuss specific projects in human trials that may result in a Practical Cure.
All FDA approved clinical trials are registered in clinicaltrials.gov and are publicly available. We included in this analysis all projects that were a) open but not yet recruiting, b) actively recruiting, and c) active but no longer recruiting new participants.
- 429 type 1 diabetes projects are currently underway in FDA-sanctioned human clinical trials.
- 237 are Active Recruiting
- 65 are Not Yet Recruiting
- 125 are Active Not Recruiting
- 11 Practical Cure projects are conducting a total of 13 trials. Said differently, only 3% of all active trials are pursuing a Practical Cure.
- 143 projects address "Glycemic Control." This is the largest concentration of projects.
- 62 projects address “Disease Management,” which includes studies that examine the effects of diet, use of technology to aid in diabetes management, and large diabetes cohort studies.
- A new category, “Immune System Modification,” has replaced “miscellaneous.” Immune System Modification includes any study which is altering, blocking, re-training, or modifying the T1D immune system attack on beta cells.
- Last year’s “Psychiatry” research category has been relabeled as “Mental Health.”