The infographic posted above provides a snapshot of how the ADA, one of the largest and most influential diabetes fundraising organizations in the U.S., uses its funds. The key takeaway for the T1D audience is that only a small portion of funds are used for T1D, while most are used for T2D.
Each year the ADA hosts a number of fundraising events and activities, with the majority featuring some type of cure promise. Currently, the organization is hosting a social media challenge called, "Dance Dare." The challenge, which has attracted dances from high profile celebrities like Usher and Shaquille O'Neil, may be great for raising overall diabetes awareness, but will it also be great for driving more resources towards finding a cure for type 1 diabetes, or will type 2 be the primary beneficiary?
Only 3% of the ADA's annual budget is used for T1D research of any type.