ADA gains revenue compared to prior year, though it is materially lower than the early 2000s, raising questions of relevance.

The 84th Annual Scientific Sessions ended yesterday with 2,000+ presentations on the latest diabetes research. Read the analysis to see major Session themes and T1D Practical Cure highlights.

FY23 Financials: Highest research grant spending since 2013, a recovery in revenue, and plans to stabilize.

Stem Cells are paving the way toward a Practical Cure for T1D.

JDRF has renamed itself to focus on T1D breakthroughs.

The long history of T1D tells many stories relevant to today. While T1D is no longer a guaranteed death sentence, many still die from it each year, and we still need a cure.

JDRF FY 2023 financials were released this week. This report provides a high-level overview.

The JDCA’s foundational findings and core beliefs (infographic) hold steadfast after thirteen years of research and community involvement.

If the ADA prioritized T1D cure research funding they would gain substantial donor support.

Overview of the main medical research pathways to a T1D Practical/Functional Cure.

A Practical Cure for T1D is any solution that eliminates the daily burden and long-term complications of the disease.

The SDP, an indispensable asset to furthering T1D research, has been extended with a boost in funding.

A Practical Cure is first and foremost in the T1D community. To see it, we must first see change.

T1D donors say their top priority, by far, is to fund cure research. 8 out of 10 would give more money to diabetes charities if they were certain their contributions were actually used for a cure.

JDCA letter detailing how the ADA can "win back" donor loyalty if they put more toward a cure.

Vertex’s phase I/II trial VX-880 is put under a protocol pause after two unrelated participant deaths. The next day, CRISPR Therapeutics announces Vertex (via ViaCyte) is ending collaboration early.

A comprehensive look at the year's progress toward a T1D Practical Cure. The 12th annual publication details Practical Cure pathways and the clinical trials pursuing them, an overview of donor priorities and the finances of the diabetes-focused nonprofits they donate to, a comprehensive section of stem cell research as a promising Practical Cure avenue, and more.