This is the fourth annual survey-based report on the giving priorities of T1D donors.   The main finding is similar to prior years:  The number one reason people make donations to diabetes charities and/or participate in fundraising activities such as walks and galas is to find a cure.  On this point, the survey results are cut and dry.  The overwhelming majority of donors want their money to be used for research that seeks a cure for T1D.    

The survey asked questions of T1D donors on two broad topic areas:  1) The importance and value of cure research in general; and 2) The importance and value of Practical Cure research specifically.


  • Donors give for a cure.  92% of T1D donors state that the main reason they choose to give money to a diabetes charity and/or participate in a fundraising walk is to support cure research.  See Chart A (above).
  • Donors believe cure should be the priority for charities.  96% state they believe cure research should be the number one priority for major diabetes charitable organizations.  See Chart B (above)
  • Donors feel a Practical Cure would improve quality of life.  97% of T1D donors believe that a Practical Cure would either ‘very much improve’ or ‘extremely improve’ the quality of life for people currently living with T1D.  This response is consistent with prior years.  See Chart C (below).
  • All respondents want to give for Practical Cure research.  99% state that they would donate to Practical Cure research projects if that option was made easily available, marking a lucrative potential fundraising opportunity for the diabetes charities.   See chart D (below).   


The survey was conducted online during December of 2015.  65% of the respondents are people living with T1D and the remaining 35% are immediate family or a close friend.  All respondents are active donors and/or participants in fundraising activities.  They range in age from 18 to 65 and are disbursed across the continental United States.