At a Glance:

  • JDRF has been renamed/rebranded.
  • CEO says: "Our name and look have changed, but our mission has not! We are executing an ambitious plan to drive cures . . . "
  • Also, a new purpose statement: "As we drive toward curing type 1 diabetes, we help make everyday life better for the people who face it."
  • We hope this ushers in a new era of focusing on a Functional Cure—the ultimate 'breakthrough'—and a clear prioritization of related research pathways.

June 4, 2024

Earlier today, JDRF announced that it has renamed itself. JDRF is no longer JDRF; it is now ‘Breakthrough T1D.’ The organization says this move was made “to align our brand with who we are today.”

The name and brand change comes after two years of research and insight collection from the T1D community. The organization says they surveyed thousands of people who live with T1D, their caregivers, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry leaders using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The name and design, they claim, is a result of that feedback.

CEO Aaron Kowalski notes: “Our name and look have changed, but our mission has not! We are executing an ambitious plan to drive cures, and our job won’t be done until everyone can take their diabetes devices off for good.” In addition, a current board member whose parents were founders of ‘JDRF,’ made this statement on the name change: “The timing is right. If my parents were alive today, they would be standing beside me saying, ‘This is the right time, the right thing to do.’ We need to change the name—we need to further breakthroughs.”

We at the JDCA welcome the change and hope this truly does usher in a new era of enhanced focus on a Functional Cure and genuine cure breakthroughs. These words and ideas are the right ones. We look forward to seeing how the JDRF moves from rebranding its name to fulfilling its clarified purpose of driving T1D breakthroughs. There is no bigger breakthrough nor one more important than delivering a Functional Cure available to everyone living with this disease.